GRIP stands in solidarity with SFU students and community members in advocating for secure student spaces.
The GRIP team supports efforts by student advocates to work towards reductions in student and tuition fees, and other expensive costs for students. We also support high quality programs and events that contribute to the well-being of university students.
We recognize those student group leaders who have supported marginalized and vulnerable students in the past years on an on-going basis, including Students of Caribbean & African Descent Society (SOCA), SOCA Executives and other student group Presidents and Executives, for their countless hours of advocacy on behalf of students’ needs. You have been forthright about the issues that students continue to face, and you implored the student leadership to make changes in their consultation process, that would result in profound improvements in the University for generations to come. Strong-willed leaders fight the good fight, racing against the clock to be advocates for change, and you have kept faith throughout the consultation procedures, as you have been dealing with obstacle after obstacle. The community has noticed your enormous amount of patience, of respect, of compassion, and inspiring intentions to build the community. Special recognition to student representatives Giovanni Hosang & Jaskarn Randhawa who have earned our institute's 'Bold As Lions' recognition for their great efforts!
Date: September 24, 2018