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i. To perform research and advocacy on public policy concerns of community members around the world in a non-partisan and non-discriminatory manner

ii. To identify areas of public policy in regions around the globe, both urban and rural, that can be enhanced to improve the well-being of human beings

iii. To educate the public on local issues their communities may be facing, by offering courses to the public, news releases, scholarly articles, workshops and seminars, discussions and debates, educational videos, and films

iv. To further the acceptance of universal human rights, equality and animal rights among world governments

v. To connect residents of communities around the world with their elected representatives, and also private sector leaders, in order to have community members’ concerns heard and to facilitate positive policy reform

vi. To encourage greater political participation around the world

vii. To support:
(a) environmental conservation
(b) environmentally-conscious economic development

*For more information please e-mail us at or visit our contact page

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